Paying your bill

Thank you for trusting Breast Center of New England with your medical care. We’d like to let you know what to expect from us regarding your bill.

After your visit, we’ll send a charge to your insurance company. Depending on your coverage, and the type of examinations you have, your insurance company will decide how much of the bill they’ll pay.

At this point you may receive an Explanation of Benefits, or EOB, from your insurance. Please note the EOB is not a bill. This is a statement from your insurance company to let you know what portion of charges have been paid, and what has been applied to your deductible, if any.

Diagnostic Mammograms, Ultrasounds and Biopsies

If there is a balance left over after your insurance has paid Breast Center of New England, you’ll be sent a bill from us. We use an electronic service called PatientPay.

If we have your email address on file, you will receive an email from: .

If we have your cell phone number on file, you will receive a text message from 73655.

By following the prompts in each message, you can quickly and securely pay your Breast Center of New England bill. However, if you’d prefer to have a paper statement mailed to you, you can opt out of these emails by clicking the unsubscribe button at the bottom of the email, or out of the texts by replying STOP.

Screening Mammograms

In almost all cases, your insurance will cover the screening mammogram 100%. Because our staff confirm before your appointment if your insurance is accepted at our clinic, and because screening mammograms are typically covered by insurance, you will likely not receive a bill from us.
